Ethno Press
Black Folks Are Not Stupid, Except the Ones Desperate for white Approval
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 11:12:20 -0600
They are up to their old tricks of divide and conquer trying to turn us against each other using immigrants from different parts of the Diaspora.
White Supremacy Vs Humanity
Wed, 10 Jul 2024 19:41:31 -0600
Watching this attempted government takeover is almost worth waiting for, for the simple reason of a sociological study and as a story for future reference.
It’s About to Get Real: Black Rappers, Celebs and Politicians Ain’t Gonna Help You
Tue, 02 Jul 2024 17:42:18 -0600
People need to seriously prepare their last days on this earth if they are not willing to go into a second era of bondage.
The Supreme Level of Condescension and Hate Toward Black Tulsa
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:27:48 -0600
Let us get one thing straight. The US government has no intensions of paying any Black folks anything in the form of reparations as long as they are a nation of bigots.
The Black Community Has Been Robbed of its Leadership Voice
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 19:25:55 -0600
In any era of American history, racism has brought Blacks together in a fight for their lives. Now, is no different. The only difference is, there is no one Black voice to echo the true sentiments of the Black community.
Where Was God During American Slavery?
Tue, 04 Jun 2024 23:49:37 -0600
Never think that God has not seen or done anything to white folks for their treatment of Black Africans, their descendants, and their other worldly victims. They are a cursed people who are slowly seeing their own demise and they cannot turn it back.
Keep the State Out of Your Business
Thu, 30 May 2024 13:41:28 -0600
Having the state involved in your business can be avoided and can save people time, money and possibly years of heartache.